Tuesday, 20 January 2009

STB Inspection...

We are awaiting the arrival of a Scottish Tourist Board Quality Assurance inspector at the Barn today. We are being inspected as a B&B as well as self catering, so she is staying the night. 

Our B&B arrangements mean that breakfast is prepared in our kitchen in the downstairs apartment, then served in the dining area of the upstairs apartment.  Now, the access to the upstairs apartment is via an outside staircase - fine when the weather is good, but in a 'Skye Breeze', it can be a challenge to get the toast upstairs without half of it blowing away over the roof... 

So, think of us if it's windy in the morning!


Worcestershire Turnip said...

Hope the Quality assurance person enjoyed her stay and that her toast survived its adventurous journey. It's so cold down here at the moment that the very thought of climbing an outside staircase (with or without toast) makes me shiver!

Richard Dorrell said...

Thanks Pete - All was well with the inspection, and it was a calm morning as well!