Monday, 2 February 2009

We've bought an acre of Skye!

The building in the picture is Roskhill Barn - our home.

The field between the photographer and the Barn has been for sale for a year or so with permission for two houses to be built on it. As you could imagine, we weren't too keen to have houses instead of our lovely view.

Now, land values have dropped low enough for us to be able to afford to make an offer to buy the plots ourselves - and we've DONE IT!!

So - here's our garden (nearest camera) OUR FIELD and our view - from upstairs at the Barn!

(Pictures taken today  2.2.09 - the day England was buried in snow...!!!)

1 comment:

Worcestershire Turnip said...

Well done! Yes down here everything is covered in snow. About 2 inches or more fell last night.