Saturday, 7 August 2010


We won't be buying potatoes or carrots for a while - the allotment is in production! The small carrots here are just thinnings - the big chap on the left is a 'full size' example. The potatoes are lovely, with each plant producing about six or seven good-size spuds. I haven't pulled-up a swede yet, I think they have some more growing to do. Same applies to the beetroot and the onions. The pea plants are huge with literally hundreds of pods plumping up nicely. Likewise the broad beans. The cauliflower and broccoli struggled with the wind, and don't look to be liking the soil much either. I don't think there'll be a crop from them.


Worcestershire Turnip said...

Yummy! Looks good, and no doubt tastes even better.

Richard Dorrell said...

Quite right Pete - nothing like the taste of veg straight from the garden - as you will soon find out!!

Jill said...

Lovely! We've had more than our share of cukes, okra, and various kinds of peppers from the garden this year. Would like to try carrots and potatoes but they'd have to go in earlier in the spring and be finished by now (due to the heat).

People around here are starting to catch on to the concept of getting back to locally-grown produce and such. It is so much fresher and better for you than what we usually get at the supermarket.

Richard Dorrell said...

It's a bit of a novelty to say at 6.00pm, 'What vegetables shall we have with dinner tonight? I'll go and gather them now'.