Sunday, 12 September 2010

Sparrow in the birdbath

Errr... SparrowHAWK that is....!!

It was a bit of a surprise to glance out of the window and see this chap sitting there. I guess he was hoping for his evening meal to pop by. He stayed long enough for me to get a few photos!


Anonymous said...

The monbetia looks good too!

Richard Dorrell said...

Hi Val - good to see you on here at last! Monb etia? - you can't stop it from g oing up here!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures Richard, always pays to keep ones camera within easy reach, and yes it was me that waved at you on the road Friday!

Andrea said...

Some budgie that, Richard !!!

Jill said...

He's huge! Great close-ups, Richard. :)

Richard Dorrell said...

Hi All,

I've been in touch with Bob - - who tells me 'my' bird is probably a young female. Apparently they breed in local forestry plantations, and the youngsters are dispersing at this time of year.

Nick - I realised it was you about half a mile after I passed you - so I waved back a bit late!