Thursday, 7 June 2012

Allotment news - It's bean a disaster...

What has happened to my runner beans?

They were fine when I transplanted them from their pots. They all had plenty of root growth, but about a week from being planted out, they started looking sick. I watered them, thinking that the dry weather was upsetting them, but they just continued to wither. It's not the planting out that has caused the problem, as I have seven or eight plants still in pots that I didn't have room for, and they have withered too.

Could we have had a cold enough night for them to have been nipped by a touch of frost???

Anyway, they are still standing up, so I am hopeful that there is enough life in the roots and stems for them to put on some new leaves and recover.

I'll keep you updated!


Jill said...

Oh my! They don't look too happy. I hope they'll rally for you.

Richard Dorrell said...

Thanks Jill. They are still all standing, and I *think* they may be starting to grow some new leaves... trouble is I go to check them so often. I can't really tell if they look any different!