Tuesday 24 April 2012

Allotment news

These allotment posts are mostly just for me - they will provide me with a record of what I did when, which should be useful to me in the future. I guess they just might be of use to other vegetable gardeners too...

Anyway - latest news is that I have planted the onion sets, and also some rhubarb seeds - bit of an experiment this one. Rhubarb plants are very expensive - I paid £9.00 each for a couple of plants two years ago. One has since died, and the other has never flourished, though seems to be doing better since I moved it to a less shady spot. So, if the seeds manage to produce a couple more plants for me, it'll be a bonus!

The brassica seedlings in the seed trays in the shed have all germinated, and are looking ready to be moved outside into a sheltered place - I'll use the cold frame again I think - which I was supposed to have rebuilt for this spring, as it is so rotten, but just haven't got round to it...


drgeo said...

Pretty expensive rhubarb!
Try this:

Richard Dorrell said...

Not sure if I prefer a pie topping or a sponge topping.... and then add custard or cream, or maybe both... or ice cream?

Jill said...

I've seen rhubarb growing wild here in West Michigan. The year my husband and I got married, I went out to the side of the road and picked some and later made a delicious strawberry & rhubarb pie! Beginner's luck, perhaps?

Richard Dorrell said...

Well I guess it must grow wild somewhere, Jill. It can get pretty rampant in some people's gardens here, too - but so far, not huge success in my allotment...!