Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Allotment news - planting potatoes

At last! The weather has been good enough to get some of my potatoes planted! I have the first earlies and second earlies in the ground, and if all goes well, will have the maincrop planted this week too.

Here they are... (if this was a video, you would see the ground vibrating as they all begin to grow..)

It is just great, working on the allotment in spring sunshine. Today, a particularly loud and liquid bird song caught my ear. I glanced up from my digging to catch a glimpse of the singing bird as it flew across the allotment. What was it? No less than a tiny wren. How can such a little bird produce such a powerful song? Wonderful!

Just for the record - here are the brassicas in their seed trays in the shed... (See last allotment post for more).


Jill said...

You've mentioned two good reasons why you should start taking video clips and uploading them here: the potatoes growing and the lovely wren song. What are you waiting for?

Richard Dorrell said...

You are right Jill, a video/audio clip of our birdsong here just now would be great. I'll have to work on my camera skills - but don't hold your breath - there's a dozen other things that always seem to take priority, especially when the sun is shining!